The main application window
List of POIs
POI is displayed in a list in the left section of the window.
- To view details of a POI click on a row.
- You can sort and filter tags above the list of POI.
- You can select multiple POIs by checking them. Then you can see multiple selection functions, in the right section.
Details of POI
In the right section of the window you can see detailed information about the selected POI. We have the following features:
- Editing, deleting, copying;
Sharing to other mapping applications and export to various formats (refer to Sharing and export);
Publishing of POIs (viz Publishing);
- StreetView (if available near position) and fullscreen switch.
Multiple POI selection
If on the list you check more than one POI simultaneously, following features will be available in the right section:
- Display on map - displays map with all selected points;
Sharing all the marked points to other map applications - planning a route using these points. (viz Sharing and export);
Export all marked points to various data formats (viz Sharing and export);
Creating or publishing POI groups (viz Publishing);
- Batch editing tags;
- Batch deletion.